71 hits for ur


dugdugurhi [DEAD] (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. dug3-dug3-ur-hi "(to be) dead"

duruna [OVEN] wr. imduruna2; imti-nu-ur; durunax(|KU.KU|) "oven, tannour" Akk. tinûru

eme'urgirak [PLANT] wr. u2eme-ur-gir15-ra "a plant"

ĝeš ur [ABANDON] wr. ĝeš ur3; ĝeš ur4 "to abandon (a claim)"

ĝeš ur [HARROW] (268x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeš ur3 "to harrow" Akk. šakāku

ĝiri'urgira [PLANT] wr. u2ĝir3-ur-gi7-ra "a plant"

hizurbara [VEGETABLE] (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. hi-iz-ur-bar-ra "a vegetable"

igšur [BOLT] (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. ig-šu-ur2; ĝešig-šu-ur2; ĝešig-šu-ur? "bolt" Akk. mēdelu

illur [TREE] wr. ĝešil-lu-ur "a tree" Akk. zanzaliqqu

kiri ur [FLARE THE NOSTRILS] wr. kiri3 ur5 "'to flare the nostrils'" Akk. ganāşu; šanāşu

lu'ura [ECSTATIC] wr. lu2-ur-ra "ecstatic"

namursaĝ [HEROISM] (81x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. nam-ur-saĝ "heroism"

ni ur [SCARED] (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. ni2 ur4 "to be scared" Akk. arāru

saĝursaĝ [PERFORMER] (12x: Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ-ur-saĝ "a cultic performer"

širnamursaĝak [SUBSCRIPT] (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. šir3-nam-ur-saĝ-ĝa2 "a literary subscript"

šu tubul [MIX] (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. šu tu-bu-ul; šu tu-bu-ur "to mix" Akk. šutābulu

šu ur [ERASE] (307x: Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. šu ur3 "to erase; to level off (surveying); to clip (a bird)" Akk. kapāru; pašāţu; šêqu ša madādi

šutubur [MIXTURE] (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. šu-tu-bu-ur "mixture"

tug ur [ABANDON] (33x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tug2 ur3 "to abandon (a claim)"

ubur [BREAST] (42x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. ubur; ubur2; u3-bur; u2-bi-ur "breast" Akk. tulû

ur [ABUNDANT] (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. ur3 "(to be) abundant" Akk. kapāšu

ur [ANOINT] wr. ur5 "to rub in, anoint" Akk. kadādu

ur [BAKE] (3x: Ur III, unknown) wr. ur5; ur3 "to bake"

ur [BASE] wr. ur2; ĝešur2 "base, legs of a table"

ur [COLLECT] wr. ur5 "to confine, imprison" Akk. pâdu

ePSD icon ePSD contacts: Steve Tinney and Philip Jones.